Year: 2022
The best place to watch the sunset in the Hudson Valley
After visiting the Clermont State Historic Site I can say this. It is the easiest to access and best public location for sunset in the…
How to Speak Whale – Explorers Club, NYC
Did you know that you can visit the explorers club in New York City? Yes, the explorers club is dedicated to scientific advances of the…
Deciding where to go on a big vacation
When I think about a big vacation, I think of “opportunity”. The ability to go on vacation “somewhere” for 2 weeks, means that I don’t…
13 Tips to Master TSA Security
Get through the TSA security checks as a professional. When I say “as a professional” what this means is that when approaching the luggage security…
Labor Day and Memorial Day Travel Sucks
I know what you’re thinking, it’s just price isn’t it?! Trigger Warning Trigger warning. This is a post complaining about Memorial day and Labor day…
Expanding my dogsledding trip crew
If you’ve been reading my blog, then surely you know that… This is the next chapter. Most of the time when I plan a trip,…
5 Steps to Getting a Passport in an Emergency
It’s an emergency, You need to travel to a foreign country immediately if no sooner. You can get a passport very fast if you qualify…
How to travel cheaply as a young professional or college grad
aka Traveling for college grads / young professionals This blog post is targeted at people who are young enough to want to travel and old…
How to get my niece to go on a trip with us
Stacey (my wife) and I have been thinking about our niece. We live in New York City, she lives close by in New Jersey with…
When to go dog sledding
In the prior posts, I organized a proposed travel-themed activity of dog sledding in the frigid north to my friend Henry who was excited about…
Choosing a dog sledding destination
Choosing a destination when traveling with a friend This is a continuation of the travel destination tied to this prior post – “Blog 2 – Traveling…
Traveling with a friend – proposing a destination
I would categorize this into one topic – travel bucket list planning with a friend I’ve been talking to my friend Henry, who lives in…