Nahargarh Fort (Tiger Fort) in Jaipur is awesome for one reason and one reason alone – the view! Yes, there are paintings to enjoy, there is a smaller shaded courtyard to explore and there are neat stairs leading up to the rooftop where the real action is. When I think about Nahargarh Fort I recall places like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower. These are places where the view of the city completely overtakes anything that you see inside the building itself.
Let me break down what is interesting about Nahargarh Fort (Tiger Fort) for you here:
- The view
- The art
- The structure of the building.
Google Maps Quick Location: Nahargarh Fort (Tiger Fort)
How Long do I need to enjoy Nahargarh Fort (Tiger Fort)? – You will need 1 – 1.5 hours to enjoy Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort
The View from Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort

Let’s start from the top and the best part of Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort, is the view! In order to get to the view, you will first need to climb a few stories worth of very thin stairwells all for the moment when you reach the top and the whole world opens back up and you are greeted with the amazing sight of Jaipur from above. When standing there, you realize that if it was your job to guard this fort, the view would provide you with a long view of the land you are guarding, enabling you to quickly shift into defense mode.
But being here as a tourist rocks, we don’t have to worry about guarding the tower, we get the ability to walk around the rooftop of Nahargarh Fort (Tiger Fort) and let the moment sink in. While looking over the rooftop of Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort, I noticed that there were lots of birds flying around, I believe that they appreciated the elevated location because it helps them to look over their territory. Regardless it was amazing to see them flying around up there.

Photos of the view

The Art of Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort

The wonderful thing about walking up the steps to get to the view is that you get to rest while looking at some fabulous Rajasthani Art. Most of the art is tied to the architecture of the building. Instead of hanging paintings around the palace, traditions in India choose to embed art directly on the walls. Some of the wall art in the fort are actual pictures that are intended for you to recognize, however, most of the art of Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort are frescos – patterns, and designs that are quite lovely and extend across entire walls to add that moment of “hey that looks pretty!”.
The frescos and the various paintings of daily life as well as traditional stories about their gods add to the flavor of the fort as you climb its steps to the rooftop. The great thing is that if you get tired of climbing the steps, there aren’t all that many, then you can rest and enjoy the frescos and paintings around you.

Photos of Art from Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort

The Building Structure – Nahargarh Fort
This entire structure appears to have been built for a singular purpose – to act as a guard tower. However, there is a pleasant and small courtyard positioned in the center of the structure and the walls are well decorated with the aforementioned frescos and paintings. The stairs are positioned in such a way that requires you to walk on a flat surface a bit on each floor. The stairs themselves can be an experience as they are sometimes very narrow and uneven. The general color of the building is that typical sandy color that we have seen all over Rajasthan but seeing how it’s tradition to use this material we are simply happy that they decorated.
Photos of the Building Itself

Which is better Nahargarh Fort or Amber Palace (Amer Fort)?
This is easy, Amber Palace is better. If all you want is a view, then go to Nahargarh Fort / Tiger Fort. The full experience of Amber Fort of the elephant ride, the many many areas to explore, and the opportunity for a puppet show.